How long have you lived in your current home? If it’s been a while, you may be thinking about moving. According to the latest Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), in 2019, homeowners were living in their homes for an average of 10 years. That’s a long time to time to be in one place, considering the average length of time homeowners used to stay put hovered closer to 6 years.
With today’s changing homebuyer needs, especially given how the current health crisis has altered our daily lifestyles, many homeowners are reconsidering where they’re at and thinking about moving to a home with more space for their families. Here’s why it might be a great time to make that happen.
The real estate market has changed in many ways over the past 10 years, and current homeowners are earning much more equity today than they used to have. According to CoreLogic, in the first quarter of 2020 alone, the average homeowner gained approximately $9,600 in equity. If you’re considering selling your house right now, you may have accumulated more equity to put toward a move than you realize.
Dialing back 10 years, many homeowners also locked in a fairly low mortgage rate. In 2010, the average rate was only 4.09%. This motivated homeowners to stay in their houses longer than usual to keep their rate low, rather than moving. Just last Thursday, however, average mortgage rates hit a new historic low at 2.86%. Sam Khater, Chief Economist at Freddie Macexplains:
“Mortgage rates have hitanother record low due to a late summer slowdown in the economic recovery…These low rates have ignited robust purchase demand activity, which is up twenty-five percent from a year ago and has been growing at double digit rates for four consecutive months.”
Ten years ago, we couldn’t have imagined a mortgage rate under 3%. Looking at the math today, making a move into a new home and locking in a significantly lower rate than you have now could save you greatly on a monthly basis, and over the life of your loan (See chart below):
Mortgage Payment Difference in 10 Years
As the example shows, you can save a substantial amount every month if you qualify for today’s low mortgage rate, and the savings can really add up over the life of a 30-year fixed-rate loan.
Bottom Line
As a homeowner, you have a huge opportunity to move up right now. Whether you want to save more each month or get more home for your money based on your family’s changing needs, it’s a great time to connect to discuss the market in our area. Buyers are actively looking for more homes to buy, and you can win big by making a move if the time is right for you.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
There has been much talk around the possibility that Americans are feeling less enamored with the benefits of living in a large city and now may be longing for the open spaces that suburban and rural areas provide.
In a recent Realtor Magazinearticle, they discussed the issue and addressed comments made by Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist for the National Association of Realtors (NAR):
“While migration trends were toward urban centers before the pandemic, real estate thought leaders have predicted a suburban resurgence as home buyers seek more space for social distancing. Now the data is supporting that theory. Coronavirus and work-from-home flexibility is sparking the trend reversal, Yun said. More first-time home buyers and minorities have also been looking to the suburbs for affordability, he added.”
NAR surveyed agents across the country asking them to best describe the locations where their clients are looking for homes (they could check multiple answers). Here are the results of the survey:
47% suburban/subdivision
39% rural area
25% small town
14% urban area/central city
13% resort community/recreational area
According to real estate agents, there’s a strong preference for less populated locations such as suburban and rural areas.
Real Estate Brokers and Owners Agree
Zelman & Associates surveys brokers and owners of real estate firms for their monthly Real Estate Brokers Report. The last report revealed that 68% see either a ‘moderate’ or ‘significant’ shift to more suburban locations. Here are the results of the survey:
Real Estate Brokers See a Shift Toward Suburbia
Bottom Line
No one knows if this will be a short-term trend or an industry game-changer. For now, there appears to be a migration to more open environments.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
With remote learning sweeping the nation this academic year, organized spaces with enough room for kids to learn effectively are high on buyer wish lists.
If you’re trying to make room for your family’s growing needs, multi-purpose rooms and dedicated workspaces may be features to consider in your next home.
Let’s connect today so you can find a home where your kids feel confident and comfortable too.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
One of the biggest surprises of 2020 is the resilience of the residential real estate market. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), is now forecasting that more homes will sell this year than last year. He’s also predicting home sales to increase by 8-12% next year. There’s strong evidence that he will be right.
ShowingTime, a leading showing software and market stat service provider for the residential real estate industry, just reported on their latest the ShowingTime Showing Index:
“Home buyer traffic jumped again in July, recording a 60.7 percent year-over-year increase in nationwide showing activity.”
That means there are 60% more buyers setting appointments to see homes than there were at this same time last year. The number of potential purchasers was also up dramatically in every region of the country:
The Northeast was up 76.6%
The West was up 56.7%
The Midwest was up 52.1%
The South was up 46.7%
The Housing Market Is Showing a ‘V’ Type Recovery
ShowingTime also indicates the real estate market has already come back from the downturn earlier this year that was caused by shelter-in-place orders. Here are the year-over-year numbers for each region on a monthly basis (See graph below):
Year-Over-Year Change in Buyer Traffic
We’re way ahead of where we were at this time last year. This data validates the thoughts of Frank Martell, President and CEO of CoreLogic, who recently noted:
“On an aggregated level, the housing economy remains rock solid despite the shock and awe of the pandemic.”
Bottom Line
If you’re thinking about selling your house, this may be a great time to get the best price and the most favorable terms.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
Quite often individuals are left with a family home as a result of the passing of a loved one. This means you’ve likely inherited a house.
In many cases, this means that it is a second home and not one that they wish to keep so they want to sell it. When the Will is going through probate, the heirs often want to sell the house…even while the house is in probate..
Unfortunately, selling a house in probate is not an easy process and can be lengthy and somewhat frustrating.
There are cases where you can sell a house without probate.
selling a house in probate
Selling a House While in Probate
The individual that will be responsible for seeing that everything that has been outlined in the will is carried out will be the administrator or executor. The executor will be the one that has been named in the will to act as such, and if no one has been named then usually the closest relative is appointed to the administration position which can be done by the court or other close relatives.
Selling a House In Probate
When selling a house in probate it has to go through a series of steps that are regulated by the courts. These regulations may include deadlines as a well as documentation that has to be paid close attention to through the entire real estate in probate sale process. There are many details involved in.
Other individuals that may be involved in the sale of the home is the appraiser, the realtor, and an attorney as well as the courts itself.
Selling a House Before Probate Is Granted
When it comes to selling a house in probate the value of it has to be determined first. This is done through a proper appraisal and most often the realtor that you choose to handle the sale of the property will be able to recommend a proper appraiser. The rules are that the property must sell for at least 90% of what it is being appraised at.
It may not always be necessary to have an independent appraiser as some Realtors are experienced in probate and trust sales, and are considered credible when placing a value on the house. This agent will then usually carry through with listing the house for sale.
You can then go through with. A probate sale is granted beginning with this step.
Selling a House Once Probate is Granted
The big responsibility for selling a house once probate is granted partly becomes the responsibility of the chosen Realtor. This professional will work on this by using many different resources.
It usually involves different segments which include the proper signage as well as different types of advertising placed in different media’s.
In addition to this, the Realtor will hold open houses to encourage other real estate agents and potential buyers to attend. Then when viewings are set up the Realtor will attend to the showings.
These are all important steps that help when selling a house in probate.
Selling a House After Probate
Quite often potential buyers are looking for a cheap buy when it comes to a home being sold in probate.
What has to be remembered is that there are court rulings in place regarding the sale, which is the offer has to be within the 90% of the sale appraised value. The Realtor again will play a big role here in making sure that the seller is able to negotiate the proper terms that are going to fit in with the requirements for both the buyer and the seller. Selling a house after probate allows the executor or administrator to enter into the necessary contracts.
Once this has been completed and the offer has been presented and accepted, then the court requires a notice of proposed action to be mailed to all the heirs that were named in the estate. This allows the heirs 15 days to present any objections that they may have. If none is raised, then the sale can go ahead without the necessity of a court hearing. This is where it can sometimes become frustrating for those selling a house in probate.
In some cases when selling a house in probate it may be mandatory that the notice of the sale is published in a local newspaper. This could be because the executor or administrator did not have all the powers necessary as stated under the IAEA, or an objection was lodged by one of the heirs.
A court date has to be set for the confirmation hearing which usually takes place between 30 and 45 days after filing of the application and the details again may be mailed to all parties concerned. During this time the realtor will most likely continue to show and advertise the property as there may be an opportunity to increase the sale price.
It is not unusual, for sometimes during the court confirmation hearing when selling a house in probate, the original bid that was accepted becomes overbid by someone else that is interested in buying the home. If this happens the party coming in with the second or higher bid has to attend at the hearing and bring with them a cashier’s check. The amount of this check must be at a minimum of 10% of the offering price they have placed on the home.
If it turns out that there are more than one over bidders then the outcome is, the bidder with the highest bid is awarded the purchase of the home. What happens is that this a bidder submits the cashier’s check to the executor or administrator. This money is then held in escrow for a period of time, which is usually 30 to 45 days following the court hearing.
Selling a House Without Probate
There are some stipulations within the estate law that do allow for selling a house without probate. Normally the executor or administrator of the will doesn’t have the necessary authority to sell a house unless probate is in place. Probate may be possibly avoided if the deceased placed the home in a living trust while still living.
It is really important that the proper professionals are chosen to assist you through the probate sale as it can be most complicated and it is taking place at a time where family members are going through the stress of losing a loved one, and this is just a added burden for them to have to attend to. When the process is followed properly it usually flows in the proper manner and the big concern is having the right realtor on board to get the price that has been placed on the home by being pro active and energetic in their selling responsibilities.
Want to find out more? Here’s an article we have that shows you how to sell an inherited house.
Find out whether you can get a cash offer to buy the house in probate. We buy houses cash in Orange Seminole Volusia Lake Osceola Counties and can make you an offer. We have experience with helping people sell a house fast even when it is in probate or about to go through the probate process.
If you have any questions about how this works, please call us at 407-641-1531. We’re here to help…even if you decide not to sell the house.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
Last Friday, the Bureau for Labor Statistics released their Employment Report for August 2020. The big surprise was that the unemployment rate fell to 8.4%, a full percent lower than what many analysts had forecasted earlier in the week. Though it is tough to look at this as great news when millions of Americans are still without work, the number of unemployed is currently much lower than most experts had projected it would be just a few months ago.
Not Like the Great Depression or Even the Great Recession
Jason Furman, Professor of Practice at Harvardexplained:
“An unemployment rate of 8.4% is much lower than most anyone would have thought it a few months ago. It is still a bad recession but not a historically unprecedented event or one we need to go back to the Great Depression for comparison.”
During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was over 20% for four consecutive years (1932 – 1935). This April, the rate jumped to 14.7%, but has fallen each month since.
During and after the Great Recession (2007-2009), the unemployment rate was at 9% or greater for thirty consecutive months (April 2009 – October 2011). Most economists believe the current rate will continue to fall monthly as the economy regains its strength.
What Happens Going Forward?
The outcome will be determined by how quickly we can contain the virus. In their last Economic Forecasting Survey, the Wall Street Journal reported the economists surveyed believe the annual unemployment rates will be 6.6% in 2021 and 5.5% in 2022. Though that will still be greater than the 3.5% rate that we saw earlier this year, it is lower than the annual rate reported in 2011 (8.5%), 2012 (7.9%), and 2013 (6.7%).
Bottom Line
There are still millions of Americans struggling through this economic downturn. There is, however, light at the end of the tunnel. The unemployment situation did not get as bad as many had predicted, and the recovery is taking place faster than most thought would happen.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
The year 2020 will certainly be one to remember, with new realities and norms that changed the way we live. This year’s real estate market is certainly no exception to that shift, with historic highlights continuing to break records and challenge what many thought possible in the housing market. Here’s a look at four key areas that are fundamentally defining the market this year.
Housing Market Recovery
The economy was intentionally put on pause this spring in response to the COVID-19 health crisis. Many aspects of the common real estate transaction were placed on hold at the same time. Thankfully, technology and innovation helped the industry power forward, and business gradually ramped back up as shelter-in-place orders were lifted.
The result? Total transformation of the market from rock-bottom lows to exceptional highs. Today, the housing recovery is being called truly remarkable by many experts and is far exceeding expectations. From pending home sales to purchase applications, buyers are back in business and homes are selling – fast.
According to the Housing Market Recovery Index by, the market has surpassed pre-pandemic levels, and has regained the strength we remember from February of this year (See graph below):
The Housing Market Recovery
Record-Breaking Mortgage Rates
Historically low mortgage rates are another 2020 game-changer. Today’s low rate is one of the big motivating factors bringing buyers back into the market. The average rate reached an all-time low on multiple occasions this year, and it continues to hover in record-low territory.
When rates are this low, buyers have a huge opportunity to get more for their money when purchasing a home, something many are eager to find while continuing to spend more time than expected at home this year, and likely beyond.
Continued Home Price Appreciation
One of the key drivers of home price appreciation this year is historically low inventory. Inventory was low going into the pandemic, and it is still sitting well below the level needed for a normal market. Although sellers are slowly making their way back into the game, buyers are scooping up homes faster than they’re coming up for sale.
This is a classic supply and demand scenario, forcing home prices to rise. Selling something when there is a higher demand for what is available naturally bumps up the price. If you’re ready to sell your house today, this may be the optimal time to make your move. As Bill Banfield, EVP of Capital Markets at Quicken Loans, notes:
“The pandemic has not stopped the consistent home price growth we have witnessed in recent years.”
Increasing Affordability
Even as home prices continue to rise, affordability is working in favor of today’s homebuyers. According to many experts, rates this low are off-setting rising home prices, which increases buyer purchasing power – an opportunity not to be missed, especially if your family’s needs have changed. If you now need space for a home office, gym, virtual classroom, and more, it may be time to reconsider your current house.
“Those shopping for a home can afford 10 percent more home than they could have one year ago while keeping their monthly payment unchanged. This translates into nearly $32,000 more buying power.”
Bottom Line
With mortgage rates hitting historic lows, home prices appreciating, affordability rising, and the market recovering like no other, 2020 has been quite a year for real estate – perhaps one we’ve never seen before and may never see again. Let’s connect today if you’re ready to take advantage of this year’s record-breaking opportunities.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
The word “home” is taking on a whole new meaning this year, and buyers are starting to look for new features as they re-think their needs and what’s truly possible.
From more outdoor space to virtual classrooms for their children, buyers have a growing list of what they’d like to see in their homes.
Let’s connect today if your needs have changed and your wish list is expanding too.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
Homebuying has been on the rise over the past few months, with record-breaking sales powering through the market in June and July. Buyers are actively purchasing homes, and the momentum is continuing into the fall. It is, however, becoming harder for buyers to find homes to purchase. If you’ve been thinking about selling your house, the coming weeks might just be the timing you’ve been waiting for.
“Pending home sales in July achieved another month of positive contract activity, marking three consecutive months of growth.
The Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI), a forward-looking indicator of home sales based on contract signings, rose 5.9% to 122.1 in July. Year-over-year, contract signings rose 15.5%. An index of 100 is equal to the level of contract activity in 2001.”
This means that for the past several months, buyers have signed an increasing number of contracts to purchase homes – well above where the market was at this time last year. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at NAR notes:
“We are witnessing a true V-shaped sales recovery as homebuyers continue their strong return to the housing market…Home sellers are seeing their homes go under contract in record time, with nine new contracts for every 10 new listings.”
Below is a graph that shows the impressive recovery of homes sales compared to previous years. The deep blue v marks the slowdown from this spring that turned into an exponential jump in sales that followed through the summer, skyrocketing above years past:
Pending Home Sales
What Does This Mean for Sellers?
If you were thinking about putting your house on the market in the spring, but decided to wait due to the health crisis, it may be time to make your move. Buyers are in the market right now. With so few homes available to purchase, homeowners today are experiencing more bidding wars, creating an optimal time to sell.
Is This Trend Going to Continue?
As CNBC notes, there are no signs of slowing buyer demand this fall:
“The usual summer slowdown in the housing market is not happening this year. Buyers continue to show strong demand, spurred by the new stay-at-home world of the coronavirus and by record low mortgage rates.”
Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at,concurred:
“In a typical year in the housing market, buyer interest begins to wane before seller interest causing the usual seasonal slowdown as we move into the fall. Due to a delayed spring season and low mortgage rates, we could see buyer interest extend longer than usual into the typically quieter fall. Whether this means more home sales will depend on whether sellers participate or decide to stay on the sidelines.”
As Hale mentioned, homeowners who are willing to sell their houses right now will play a big role in whether the trend continues. The market needs more homes to satisfy ongoing buyer demand. Maybe it’s time to leverage your equity and move up while eager home shoppers are ready to purchase a house just like yours.
Bottom Line
If your current home doesn’t meet your family’s changing needs, let’s connect to help you sell your house and make the move you’ve been waiting for all year.
Contact us:
PHP Houses
142 W Lakeview Ave
Unit 1030
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Ph: (407) 519-0719
Fax: (407) 205-1951
First of all, congratulations! We understand inheriting a house might be a stressful situation for some, but you don’t need to worry. We broke down your options and explored pros and cons. We also provided further steps you need to take after you make your decision.
So let’s go!
First thing’s first.
HuffingtonPost states these are the questions you need to ask after you inherit a house:
What condition is the house in?
How much will my expenses be?
How much is the house worth?
Should I move in, rent it or sell after I’ve inherited a house?
So, what are your options?
Sell when you’ve inherited a house!
Inheriting a house comes with plenty of unwanted headaches, especially if it’s something you didn’t want to happen. The first thought most have is to sell the house.
RealtyTimes states that the absolute first step you must take if deciding to sell your inherited house is t0 seek legal action. Are you selling an inherited house to a sibling, at a loss or just wanting to sell? There are a few questions that should be addressed during this process, including the following:
Who will take care of getting the house ready for sale?
Who is responsible for negotiations and real estate agent hirings?
How will you divide the expensive?
Who is responsible for caring for the house while it is on the market?
You can also sell your house with a realtor without making repairs, or sell to a cash home buyer. We offer you both of these options! The best part is that you can get a cash offer in just 24 hours – your inherited home can be sold faster than you think!
Selling the house fast would be the best option for those who have no intention of moving in or renting it. There are a few pros as well as cons that come with this decision.
Pros of selling an inherited house:
It can be sold FAST!
Paying in cash and having flexible payment options.
Not having to worry about the future of the property.
Cons of selling an inherited house:
You will have less control over who gets your house.
You might not be able to sell for the true value of the house.
Another option to consider is to rent your inherited Orange Seminole Volusia Lake Osceola Counties house. If the house is to be rented, the heirs might ask:
Who will collect the rent?
Who takes the maintenance calls from tenants?
Where will the rental deposits and payments be held?
How will the income after costs be split among the heirs – each month, quarterly or annually?
Cons of renting an inherited house:
NextAvenue states that:”For tax purposes, the house (not the land) is considered a depreciable asset and a certain percentage of its value can be deducted annually.”
It can often be time-consuming.
You’ll need to make sure your tenants are a perfect fit for the house.
Pros of renting an inherited house:
Steady income on a long-term basis.
Creating networking relationships with the tenants.
Adding your management skills to your resume.
Move into your inherited house!
This option might be an obvious one – you could move when you’ve inherited a house and call it your new home.
The question that comes with moving into your inherited house is what to do with your current house. The same answers as above apply – you could easily sell it or rent it if you wish to do so.
Before you do decide to move into the inherited house,HouseLogic suggests to do the following:
Investigate the mortgage.
Especially if you’ve inherited a house from your parents at a loss – be aware of the current mortgage situation and know how to deal with it.
Physically check the house.
Is the property furnished or unfurnished? Take note of what needs to be fixed and what you want to fix. How does the season change affect the house? Do you like the surrounding area? See if all conditions meet your criteria before you decide to move in. Gather all necessary paperwork on the house and its appliances.
If you inherited a house from your parents, you need to address the following questions:
Are you moving in alone, with your siblings or other relatives?
If the latter two, how will you split the costs?
What do you want to do with your current property?
So, what’s it going to be? These decisions take time and planning. Make sure you check your budget, consult with professionals and get all your documentation ready.
Decided to sell? Give us a call and we will provide you with the best cash offer in just a couple of days!
Get a Cash Offer Within 24 Hours
Lucky for you, we buy houses in Orange Seminole Volusia Lake Osceola Counties. We work fast to get you a no-obligation cash offer for you house within 24 hours.
Our customers comment all the time about our soft approach. You won’t get a hard sell with us. If you are not completely satisfied with the offer we make to buy your house, you don’t have to accept it. No charge. No fees.
The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.